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Hamburg, Germany

Itacoatiara, Amazonas

Rio Tucunare, Rio Arari


Donna Maria

Denis, Alex and Pôro

My name is Alex, I am living in Germany and organizing everything of the Escolinha via internet but have been traveling to Itacoatiara since 20 years.

I started this project 3 years ago so everybody can visit the Amazon as I know it and meet my friends and the neighborhood! 

You can come here and stay for free, give lessons on your own responsibility, cook your own food in the kitchen, small supermarkets are near.

Donna Maria and her family live across the street and will be on your side all the time. I am in contact with the Donna Maria, her daughter Eriane and the volunteers via Whatsapp, Skype or email and can help you anytime if needed. 



e-mail us:

Rua 12 de Octobro, fim da rua

69100-000 Itacoatiara, Amazonas, Brasil II

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