1. How do I apply to volunteer at Escolinha Itacoatiara?
Send an email to Alex and tell when you are planning
to come. When you are sure about your dates and have
booked a flight he will contact Donna Maria and tell her
when you will be arriving.
2. Do I need to be fluent in English or have experience in teaching?
You don´t need to be fluent in English or have any experience in teaching, if you are motivated you are more than welcome and can teach whatever you like... Painting, math, Spanish, games, football, music, dancing, yoga...
3. How much will it cost to stay at the escolinha?
Depends on you, you don´t pay for accommodation, but you have to pay all your own expenses as transport, food, drinks and some teaching material as paper.
Some volunteers have spent very little money: they have been cooking simple things for themselves, haven´t gone to the nightlife and didn´t go to the jungle. If you just eat rice and fish the costs are low, if you drink beer and eat meat or pizza they are much higher, it´s easy to spend a lot of money even in a poor neighborhood. A good monthly salary in Itacoatiara is 1000 Reais, a small family can eat and survive with this money one month, but you as a tourist can spend easily in a shorter time.
If you want to go to the jungle you have to pay all expenses, more information at: PROJECTS
4. Where can I get more Information?
Try to find it first on this homepage!
We also have a Couchsuring-profile with lots of references. You can contact the volunteers that have allready been with us. https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/escolinhaitacoatiara
For general questions contact: alexos2001@yahoo.de
5. How to go from Manaus Airport - Itacoatiara?
If you don´t want to spend time in Manaus take a taxi directly to the bus terminal Rodoviaria de Manaus. A taxi can bring you for 20 to 25 R$, but the driver will try to charge more. You also can leave the airport with any bus, drive three stations and get out, there you will find a taxi that brings you to the bus termnal or take a second bus.
From early morning till 11 pm every two hours a bus goes from Rodoviaria de Manaus to Itacoatiara (4,5 hours, 40 R$).
From Terminal de Itacoatiara go by motortaxi to the Escolinha:
neighborhood: Bairro Eduardo Braga 1
street: Rua 12 de Octobro 2703
There are no street signs in Itacoatiara, if you arrived in Eduardo Bragas 1 it´s the third street to the left.
6. Will there be other volunteers?
Often people come spontaneously and some never arrive: