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The easiest way for you to go to the interior, is to pay somebody to come with you. Donna Maria, Poro and most of their children would love to have a short trip to the interior, it´s where they grew up and lived many years. But the children have school, and the price for the boat is quite expensive for local people, it is 30 Reais each person each way.

If you want to go to the interior ( the inland or jungle ) you can visit Poros brother Pedro, he lives at Rio Tucunare. He has a nice house and works in a lot of different agricultural activities. Three boats, called recreio, with around 30 to 40 passengers run three times a week from the harbor to Rio Arari/Tucunaré. Depending on the water level, the boat trip will take you 6 to 9 hours. The boat will leave early morning and will bring you to a floating supermarket (flutuante).
There you can be picked up by Pedro with his smaller boat, leave the big River Arari and enter in the Rio Tucunaré, it will take an hour to arrive at Pedros house. If you dont want to get up early you can sleep on the boat the night before it leaves.

If you want someone of Donna Marias family to accompany you to the Interior, you need to pay for their transport and their food!

Transport by boat each person each way is 30 Reais.
Food for one week would be a big white bag more than half full of rice, beans, spaghetti, salt, sugar, oil (2 liters), milk powder. It will cost you 100 Reais minimum, but will be enough to feed you, the people from the family that are coming with you and Pedros family at the Tucunare.

You also should take a canister of more or less 15 liters of gasolina (50 Reais) with you, so Pedro can pick you up and you have petrol to do little trips on the small rivers. There are little shops in the Inland, but everything is more expensive. 

Before you leave Donna Maria has to send a message via radio to Pedro, so he can pick you up, you have to pay two motortaxis so she can send somebody to the radio-station.

You also have to pay several motortaxis so all of you can get to the harbor and back.

A trip with two persons from Donna Marias family and you will cost minimum 400 Reais. It doesn´t matter if you stay just four days or three weeks, more or less same price, so stay as long as possible!

If you are two persons you can share the costs! There is a floating supermarket in the jungle, so it´s easy to spend more money.

We don´t recommend that you go to the interior without Donna Maria, it´s far away and someone has to be responsible for you. Compared to a professional jungle-trip in Manaus 400 Reais is very very little money and you will have your own personal Amazonas experience. 

Take Poro to join you and you can have an adventure in the jungle like this on the picture below...

How to get to the Jungle & what it will cost

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Rua 12 de Octobro, fim da rua

69100-000 Itacoatiara, Amazonas, Brasil II

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