What is going on ?
Right now the school is run by volunteers, Ming (Taiwan) and Alex (Germany) had to leave Brazil in June ´14 and go back home.
Thanks a lot to all volunteers who helped in Itacoatiara ( till now 68 groups from 22 nations):
Thomas, Germany, March ´14
Hila and Oren, Israel, April ´14
Saskia, Germany, May ´14
Joey, Singapore, July ´14
Adila, Malaysia, July and August ´14
Matthijs, Suriname, Sept. ´14
Sandra, Switzerland, Nov. ´14
Daniela, Mexico, Dez. ´14
Rafael, France, Jan., ´15
Fabricio, Venezuela, March ´15
Kristina and friend, Croatia and Portugal, March ´15
Patrik Muchenberger, Switzerland, March ´15
Azara, UK, April ´15
Lea, France, April ´15
Luciano, Brasil, and Giuseppe, Italy, May ´15
Jean, France, July ´15
Clement, France, August ´15
Lukas and Graziele, Czech Rep, September ´15
Laura, Belgium September ´15
Miriam and Bea, Brasil SP, October ´15
Pia and Artur, Germany and Brasil, November ´15
Hanna, New Zealand and Klara, Denmark, Dez. ´15
Marius, Lithuania, Renan and Yara (WP), SP, BR, Jan. ´16
Bianca (Wordpackers), Santa Catarina, BR, January ´16
Margeaux (Worldpackers), France, March ´16
Jorge and Selene, Venezuela, March ´16
Anthony, Malta, March ´16
Tamires and Erik, BR, June ´16
Salim, Morocco, June ´16
Tom, New Zealand, Aug.´16
Edoardo, Italy, Aug.´16
Clement, France, Aug.´16
Alvaro, France, Sept. ´16
Luna, BR, Sept. ´16
Renato, BR, WP, Jan.´17
Amanda e Rafaela, BR, SP, WP, Jan.´17
Carol e Fran, BR, Blumenau, Jan.´17
Flavio, BR, WP, March ´17
Sascia (25) was at the Escolinha Itacoatiara and gave some color! She was giving painting lessons and showed the children how to paint with different kinds of paint. Her lessons were a big success and more and more children came every day. They painted Easter-eggs and mixed colors to see what happens, the children are interested and are working hours and hours without losing concentration!
Hila and Orem have been here for two weeks supporting us a lot. They have done a great job and taught with a lot of patience and love! They went to the jungle for a week to stay at a quiet river called Tucunaré. On the picture they are teaching Erinane (25), Reje (22), Tiago (16) and Sandrielle (15).
Ming was giving the 10 o'clock lesson to Andreia (14), David (12), Cailani (10) and Jennifer-Bobera (12). Deborah (13) missed class today.

Nani, BR, SP, April ´17
Pricilla, BR, April ´17
Ferhat and Louise, France, May ´17
Silvia, Portugal, June ´17
Leon, Germany, June ´17
Deborah, BR, WP, June ´17
Facu, Argentina, WP, June ´17
Marita, Germany, July ´17
David, Chile, July ´17
Flavia, BR, July ´17
Mariane, BR, WP, July ´17
Stelvana and friends, Malta, CS, July ´17
Stefany, Peru, August ´17
Rene, Germany, August ´17
Paula, BR, WP, August ´17
Jessica and boyfriend, Peru, September ´17
Julian, Spain, WP, September ´17
Dani, BR, September ´17
Michelle, BR, WP, October ´17
Marcelo, BR, October ´17
Eve-Marie, Canada, November ´17
Bruna, BR, WP, November ´17
Carla, Spain, WP, November ´17
Oscar, Colombia, Dezember ´17
Nike and Karen, Sweden, WP, Dezember ´17
Rafaella (2. visit) and Lillian, BR, Dezember ´17
Paula and Julia, BR, Dezember ´17
Isabella, Argentina, January ´17
Sara, Claudia and Andreia, BR, January ´17
Ingrid, BR, SP, WP, January ´17
Mari, BR, WP, January ´17
Ingrid, BR, SP, WP, January ´18
Mari, BR, WP, January ´18
Reynaldo, BR, January ´18
Mateus, BR, March ´18
Denise, CS, Swiss, April ´18
Blanca, WP, Spain, April ´18
Yanhua, CS, Taiwan, April ´18
Alex, Soraya and Jens, Germany, Mai ´18
Pricilla and Cove, CS, BR, June ´18
Ramon, WP, BR, July ´18
Maria e Diogo, BR, July ´18
Dani, WP, BR, July ´18
Jared, USA, August ´18
Moyra, BR, August ´18
Felix, WP, BR, August&September ´18
Ronaldo, WP, BR, September ´18
Carolina, WP, BR, September ´18
Alex, BR, October ´18
Eduarda e amiga, BR, proj. silk screen