A small city in the Amazon is not a place that can be considered safe for tourists. If you come to the "Escolinha Itacoatira" you do it on your own risk!
For experienced travellors it shouldn´t be a problem.
Make yourself clear, Itacoatiara is an area of poor habitants, drugs and crime are present.
I don´t think you are running risk if you stay here, people wouldn´t rob foreigners that easy, but be clear in which part of the world you are. I never had any problems in Itacoatiara, and if you want to go out at night there will be always people who can accompany you.
Just make sure you don´t carry articles of great value, especially at night.
If you don´t feel comfortable with a person or if you think you are in danger, trust your natural human feelings and get out of the situation as soon as possible.
Take care of very drunken people and also don´t lose control of yourself.
Things can´t be changed overnight.
To learn a foreign language, the student has to dominate his own language, and a big part of the Brazilian population in the Amazon does not.
The teaching material that is used to teach English will teach more Portugues to the "gringos" than English to the "locals". Just if this work and travel project will continue many years, some Amazonenses will be able to speak some basic English.
So that´s why we shouldn´t put our expectations too high.
But that doesn´t mean visitors aren´t doing something good by spending time in the Amazon. And for sure, everybody is going to have a lot of fun. Besides of English, there is a lot that people can learn from us and that we can learn from them.